Sunday, December 7, 2014


Wow this week went by so fast. I miss Christmas so much. Yes I am listening to the Christmas devotional right now because I want to completely understand it. But I've decided we are going to do Christmas eve with our investigators and try and start some traditions for them. lol Cause there is no Christmas traditions really in Mongolia. But My companion will get it full blast. I HOPE IT"S my companion Naranzol that I have right now. SHE IS AMAZING. She has a feeling we are getting split up the next week. I DON'T WANT TO. But yeah it's cool whatever happens. 

My English classes got really heavy and more stressful. Like I feel like we didn't do that much actual misssionary work. But thank goodness my kids are going on a break for a month next week. I am suppose to plan a 2-hour English program for their parents to come watch in January. I HAVE NO IDEA what to do.  But I do Have to say, my kids cheer when I go into their classes for english. They (like 90% of them) LOVE my class. There is nothing better. But I do know I neeeeeever want to be a teacher again after my mission.

Oh this week I was alone for like 10 minutes. haha So we were coming home, and all of a sudden the conductor was like everyone get off this bus and go on another one. So we get off and I was like, we are so close to our apartment, lets just take a taxi.  But then all of a sudden she got on a bus. And I was surprised, but I was like okay whatever.  Yeah except i didn't follow my companion. I followed some woman with the same coat and same color hat on the bus. I start freaking out, because I went away from my companion. So I told the conductor I got on the wrong but, and mind you when I'm stressed, I CAN"T SPEAK, so it was very broken, and who knows if they even understood. So I get off the bus as soon as I can at the next stop and was like. CRAP what do I do. Do I stay or go back to the last bus stop. I decided to go to the last bus stop. So I started running. And then I get to this stop light and my companion is in a taxi yelling my name. So in the middle of the intersection I got in the taxi. My companion was like, I thought you were playing a joke on me and she thought I was hiding and she was looking for me. And this guy was like, your friend got on another bus. She decided to go to the next bus stop. And she was like "I've never had that happen before". I told her it was my 4th time. Oooops, it's always with buses.

 This morning I was reading in Genesis when they are talking about Noah and how the world was so full of evil. So there is one verse in their that really stuck out to me."And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart." And the foot notes says that repented really means sorrow. So what I learned from this is that, Heavenly Father truly never wanted us to to suffer. He never wanted us to go away doing evil. Even though his plan is truly the great plan of happiness, the fall of man would cause pain to all of His precious sons and daughters.  And I think even the thought that he couldn't live with his children because of their own will and iniquity cause Heavenly Father great sorrow. But that being said, we still must endure any suffering from this life, with the the hope that we will rest from all are sorrows, and be crowned with eternal life, through the great gift of the Atonement.  


Also I asked my mission president in an email when I'm coming home, so maybe I'll know next week.  


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