Tuesday, October 15, 2013

1 More Month!!


This week I met my 3rd Mongolian! He just reported to the MTC on Tuesday.  Elder Pervendorch (In Mongolian it´s really different spelling) is heading to Honolulu, HI.  Stark difference from freezing Mongolia to perfect weather Hawaii.  But it´s really awesome because we all get to practice Mongolian.  Plus is he really awesome. 

Being in the MTC during conference was a nice break.  We did not have anything to do except watch conference.  Which I am very grateful for.  I stayed awake and paid attention to all but one talk.  My favorite talk was from Elder Dube.  One of my favorite things he said was--- Never look back but look at what you need to do. Also he said faith is always pointing to the future.  There are parts of the MTC I really love and other parts are really hard.  But the thing that keeps me going forward is there is always work to be done.  

I loved conference but last Tuesday we had a devotional by Elder Madsen (some emeritus something or other). That devotional has hit me the most since I´ve been in the MTC.  He honestly seemed like a King Benjamin. It was not just what he said but how he said it. He was proclaiming his talk, not just giving it.  It was amazing.  He talked about the point of the whole Gospel is the Atonement.  Also he said ´The Gospel is the sole hope of the world... The only way to being peace on earth and right the wrongs of this world´.   Heavenly Father´s way is not our way.  After hearing that devotional I had such a desire to go share the message of the Gospel.  I realized then how much a take the Gospel for granted.  And also that everyone needs the Atonement in their life.

Also Mongolian is still hard.  Haha But I do have the last sentence of the 1st vision memorized.  We usually teach our ¨Progressive Investigators¨ or our teachers  about 3 times a week.  It´s still extremely difficult but I feel like I´m at least getting down Gospel Vocabulary.

So I have found a sister that will work out with me! We have gotten up every morning to go work out.  I´m so happy. It makes such a difference! Plus I´m way more positive and happy when we work out in the morning.  We switch off between running, cross fit work outs and the exercise class int he morning.  I just hope I can figure something out when I get to Mongolia.

It´s weird to think that I will be there in about a month! Wooooord.


Sister Sara Eskelsen

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